September 11, 2006

A Paperboy’s Pet Peeves

When I started delivering the newspaper a little over 5 weeks ago I would never have thought that Suzi and I would develop some type intolerance towards the customers we have and the different things they do. I mean how bad could it be, right? Well let’s take a look at an average morning with Tom and Suzi now, 5 weeks later. One of my pet peeves when I am folding the paper is when the plastic bag is full of static and it sticks together. This prevents me from being the new world record holder in the newspaper bagging arena, very annoying! The next would be the person who sets their alarm for 3:30 am and ignores it. Man I couldn’t imagine being their neighbor! Another one would be the way people park. For example people will park 4 cars in their driveway, thusly blocking any piece of concrete for the newspaper to land on. The nerve of these people, utilizing their whole driveway! The one that kills me is when a person parks at the end of a cul-de-sac nose into the curb so that I can’t swing all the way around the cul-de-sac. This normally happens at two houses on our route. The one guy that really kills me doesn’t even park his car in the driveway, he just blocks the street. How inconsiderate! Why doesn’t anyone think of the paperboy? Well enough ranting and raving. Please pray for patience for Suzi and I as we navigate the highways and byways of Santa Clarita at 3:30 am. What kind of testimony would we have if we exhibited road rage this early in the morning? So if you’re reading this and you get the newspaper, please think of your paperboy and his mental well being.


Pecadillo said...

Sup Tom. I'd love to go to Disneyland with you guys, lemme know when. Do me a flavor, send me an email, I've got a few questions for you...


Tom Pilarski said...


Thanks for your comments and especially your prayers. Stay tuned for more exciting adventures.


I just e-mailed you and we are making a trip to the land of the mouse around Holloween. You are most certainly invted. Take care out there Bro! I'm praying for your saefty.