September 21, 2006

The Better Part of Wisdom

Proverbs 1:4 says that wisdom gives “To the young man knowledge and discretion”. Well last night my own wisdom did not give me either knowledge or discretion. Last night I went to the Dodger game with my brother-in-law. Now for all you “newbies” to this post I deliver papers at 2:45 am and then proceed, without a nap in between, to go to my day job and work until 6:00 pm and take the train and get home at 7:20 pm. So, in light of that I stayed out until 11:30 pm watching the hapless Dodgers lose to the inept Pirates for the second straight day in a row. So why did I stay so long at the game? Well the Dodgers, like my beloved UCLA Bruin football team of last year, waited until the 8th and 9th inning to show up. Well so that was the unwise part of my day, the wise part of my day was that I drank 3 cups of coffee this morning. Now let me explain something to you. I love coffee, but not just any coffee, I am a coffee snob. I must have good coffee, well that was until this paper route. Now I haven’t digressed to Folgers yet, boy our God is merciful, but I have started drinking our office coffee which isn’t much better than Folgers. It’s all about the caffeine you see. At this point taste is sacrificed for the jolt my body needs to get through the day. Someday I can see that coffee just won’t do the trick, I’ll have to turn to Red Bull’s or another form of legal stimulant. I hope that this doesn’t turn into an addiction. It would be bad to be sitting out in front of Peets looking like a bum and saying “Come on mister just a $1.80 for a cup of coffee, just some spare change for a man in need” or standing in front of the market saying “Hey mister, can you buy me a Red Bull? I need my daily fix.” So would it be wise to steer clear of caffeinated drinks? Would it be wise to have no stimulants in my body? I know what I’ll do, I’ll just make wise decisions and hold to one cup of coffee. Yep that’s what I’ll do.

P.S. Don’t tell Suzi that I’m drinking the office coffee. She’s a bigger coffee snob than me and she won’t let me live it down if you do.

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