September 14, 2006

Choose Your Career Path Wisely

When I started delivering papers I took this on as a second job. Now that I am doing it, I don’t think that this could ever be a career for me. Well that’s me and not some of the others that deliver to the Santa Clarita Valley. There is one guy that loves delivering papers so much that his license plate says “Paperboy1” on it. Now it may just be me, but that takes some commitment to the job. I would rank that with tattooing your girlfriends name on you arm, before knowing if you were going to marry her. I don’t know about you, but committing to “Mable” on my arm where everyone can see is either true commitment or a sheer lack of wisdom. So when you put that you are a paperboy on your car’s license plate for the world to see, man that’s commitment. Now you think this guy would know some type of paperboy etiquette (I know some of you are thinking “Paperboys have etiquette? I didn’t even know they knew how to spell it.”) or something, right? Well not this guy. I do believe that he thinks since everybody is asleep at 3:00 am that it’s ok to blast his rap music while delivering his papers. Now if I’m one of his customer’s or even if I just live next to one of his customers I do believe that MC “fill in the blank” on his car stereo would meet an ugly death. Now if that’s not bad enough, he also has monza tips on his car. Now if you do not know what these are then just think of a lowered Honda Civic or some other compact car that a kid would drive and think of that really loud sound that it makes. This exhaust system is very loud and at 3:00 am it would serve as your alarm clock every time he sped up. It is knowing all this that helps me to understand why, maybe, he has chosen this as his desired career path. Hopefully at some point I might be able to share my point of view with him. He probably won’t listen though. I mean if you were the professional delivery boy why would you listen to a novice temp like me. So just pray that I wouldn’t take my testimony and whack him over the head with it.

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