September 7, 2006

Delivering Papers to the Glory of God?

As a Christian we are taught that we are to do all things to the glory of God (1 Cor.10:31). I live my life by this verse and you could probably say that it's my key verse when it comes to my job and ministry. So now as a paperboy how does "throwing newspapers to the glory of God" work? Well here's how I view it, I should give each customer more than what they expect from my delivering the paper. Here are some examples of what I mean: I shouldn't knowingly throw the newspaper in the wet grass and for that matter if the sprinklers are on I shouldn't throw it in the are getting wet either. I shouldn't throw the paper under someone's car. I should humbly accept that some people are very picky about where their paper goes (i.e. porch, high in the driveway or on the slope of the driveway). That is the goal.

Now here are some real life cases of reality. One time being a little bitter about having to stop the car and get out to put the newspaper high in someone's driveway I threw the paper a little to hard into a metal garage door. Well needless to say that person really didn't need a 4:30 am alarm clock I did the job for him. Another would be the time I threw the paper, and as if at that moment a gust of wind came up, my paper flew straight up in the air and fell right on the grass, the newly watered, very wet grass. So I have to now stop, go back and pick up the paper and manually move it to a nice dry spot on the driveway. Another bad one would be when my wife trying to hit a driveway by throwing the paper over the hood of our car landed it right on the hood of our car. Now there is no way that person will ever get his paper unless I get out and take it off the car. One last one would be when my wife and I were first starting the route we couldn't tell what addresses went to what houses, so to be on the safe side we would hit the three houses we though it could be. See this way two people who don't subscribe to the paper get a pleasant surprise and our customer is happy because he got his paper.

So as you can see being a Christian paperboy can create a lot of stop and go delivering if you are like me. Someday I hope to master my route and hit every driveway perfectly. Well maybe in we deliver the newspaper in heaven?

1 comment:

Shay Thomason said...

This is great! One of my new favorite blogs. I'll be sure to keep those tips in mind about how to deliver papers to the glory of God. Especially for the guy who wants it "high in the driveway."

I'm telling everyone about this blog! Yeah!!