September 26, 2006

A Family that throws Together……

Yesterday morning I had the pleasure of meeting a young man that is just starting to deliver newspapers. I had seen him and his wife in a couple of days ago folding the papers together. Yesterday as I was walking out to put my papers in the car he told me I liked my t-shirt. Well yesterday morning I was wearing my Placerita Baptist 2006 Jr./Sr. High School Summer Camp t-shirt. On the back it has a bible verse. Before you say “Wow! That is so cool! He uses his t-shirts to open evangelical conversations with people”, know that I just grabbed the next t-shirt in my drawer which divinely happened to be my summer camp shirt. Well in talking to this young man I find out that he is a believer and attends Rocky Peak Church in the San Fernando Valley. After a little chit chat we say “have fun on your route” to each other and I was on my way. Now remember from yesterday’s post that this is when Kevin and I locked ourselves out of the car. Well we go back into the warehouse to call AAA because where were our cell phones? In the car! So, we decided to ask our new Christian friend if he had a cell phone and sure enough he did. He said that his wife had it and she was in the car. So we fallowed him to the car where we found to my amazement she was there with their 6 year old daughter. No Way!! I thought it was bad enough that Suzi and I delivered together, but this was truly amazing. Come to find out that she wants to help him with the route and since they don’t have anyone to watch their daughter she has to come too (from what I hear this 6 year old throws a mean paper too). Now that’s commitment! So in light of this I had an epiphany last night. Are you ready for this? Tomorrow when I go out it won’t be just Suzi and I. It will be Corrine, Caleb, Coby and the two of us. That will be so cool and then we won’t be overshadowed by these show offs and their 6 year old. Now the boys may come along just to humor me (besides they don’t care if they sleep in the car or in their beds), but Corrine…… let’s just say Wow! After I got the sob story about her 2 AP classes and all the homework she has it would be “Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaad! You’re not funny!” Well I guess I won’t do that (sorry for bringing it up, hun) and thusly avert any dissension in my household. So I will just have to tip my hat to this couple for be honoring to God in their finances and feeling the burden of paying off their debts at all cost, even sleep, their daughters that is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks padre