December 31, 2007
What Will 2008 Bring?
Well as 2007 winds down here on So. Cal. I got to thinking, what will 2008 bring?
On a purely selfish note, will it bring good health for my family and great spiritual growth for my family and myself. If the Lord decided it was time to come back that would be, in the words of Bill and Ted, "most excellent".
On a more athletic note, if UCLA were to win a national title in basketball and football in 2008 that would be once again "most excellent". Now that we have "Slick Rick" to complement "Big" Ben Howland we might have a chance. After all every time "Slick Rick" takes over a football program they do really well for about 5 years and then the sanctions come. So our football program may have 5 years to do this. As for our basketball team, I do believe we will do it this year with K-Love on the team.
On a more fun note, I hope I will be able to blog more. Also, now that the college group at our church is starting to take off, just seeing the Lord at work with the group will be be something to look forward to. I do pray that the Lord would continue to grow me in my teaching ability and that He would also continue to grow our staff and help us to honor and glorify Him more. It is truly fun for me to watch the Lords hand at work in my life and in those around me.
On a spiritual note, I do pray that I would be more missionally minded and would develop relationships that foster an opportunity to share Christ with them. I also would like our college group to grow in this aspect to. I pray that together we would serve the SCV and the world in a way that brings glory to our Lord and Savior.
Well with that I will now struggle with staying up the next hour and a half until midnight. After that, at 12:01 am on January 1st, it will be off to bed. Good Night and Happy New Years!
December 29, 2007
Beware New Driver in the SCV
After I started to come back to reality I started to realize that I really must be old. I have a child that is driving herself to work and is on her way to college next year. Holy Smokes!! Well what a way to start the new year, with the realization that I am an old guy trying to pretend that I'm not. Enough of me and congrats to my little girl. Squirt you did a good job and I am proud of you. I just know that now more than ever I will have to be a father who lives life on his knees praying for his daughter.
P.S. if that's not bad enough my son Caleb turned 15 today and that means that in one year I could have another teenage driver. Here comes the white hair and the Grecian Formula.
December 27, 2007
You know it's been almost 6 months since I stopped delivering papers. You would think that after working two jobs and blogging that I would have time to blog more, right? Wrong! Over the summer I had the opportunity to develop a Sunday School for the college students at my church. Along with that I picked up some added responsibilities at my main job. So before I knew it I had no time to blog. Well because I love blogging so much, I put in my two weeks notice at my old job and got a new one about a mile away from my house. I figure that will give me plenty of time to blog and have fun. Now with all this extra time I plan on having I'm not going back to delivering papers. So for all of you who thought I might be updating you on the rabbits or the crazy things that go on in the wee hours of the morning......think again.
So what am I going to blog about? I don't know. I guess we'll both see as time goes on. Boy I love this. This is like talking to yourself, answering yourself and not being thought of as crazy. Well at least not that I know of.
So out for now!
July 12, 2007
So after reading this I decided I would try to find my own weird sports and here is what found. When I searched weird sports I found this web site and found "Sepak Takraw". Wow, say that 10 times! t appears to be a mix of soccer and volleyball. Seems like weird hybrid to me, but then again I like "Irish Horseshoes".
Another that I found was "Chessboxing". Apparently in this all time favorite you beat the living daylights out of each other and then you play a game of chess. So in all reality you beat your brains out and then use your brains. Wow, now that brings a whole new meaning to working your mind.
Being a runner I had to include this race. When I e-mailed a couple of pastor friends of mine telling them that it was time for a road trip one came back with "Yeah right!" and the other came back "Your Nuts!"
Lastly, I found this site that had some more oddities. Take a look at games like "Pooh Sticking". Have fun. Let me know if you know of any other weird sports.
July 8, 2007
I mean how hard could it be to look for a guy, he's probably dressed like a bush of some sort now.
July 7, 2007
With my kids currently at camp, I thought that this might be appropriate. Now I have no idea what they told this lady to get her to try this human sling shot out, but a redneck comedian would have said "Here's your sign".
July 4, 2007
To Judge or Not to Judge, That is the Question
Over the past few years I really have been contemplating Matthew 7:1 "Do not judge so that you will not be judged. “ I have to be honest with you, the reason I have been studying this passage is because I know of some people in my life that like to misquote this verse and use it as their “don’t evangelize me, I have my own personal beliefs about God” verse. They use it as a shield as if to say that we are never to look at each other with a discerning eye. Then again that is our post-modern, no singular truth society, isn’t it? So as I studied this text I found that judging one another is fine when it is with the eye of discernment and the not the eye of unrighteous judgment.
Alexander MacLaren in his commentary on this text states the following “The ‘judging’ of which He speaks sees motes in a brother’s eye. That is to say, it is one-sided, and fixes on faults, which it magnifies, passing by virtues.” In the culture Jesus was addressing it was common for people to judge so that they could make themselves look better. Adam Clarke states this about the culture at that time “These exhortations are pointed against rash, harsh, and uncharitable judgments, the thinking evil, where no evil seems, and speaking of it accordingly. The Jews were highly criminal here, and yet had very excellent maxims against it, as may be seen in Schoettgen. This is one of the most important exhortations in the whole of this excellent sermon. By a secret and criminal disposition of nature, man endeavours to elevate himself above others, and, to do it more effectually, depresses them. His jealous and envious heart wishes that there may be no good quality found but in himself, that he alone may be esteemed. Such is the state of every unconverted man; and it is from this criminal disposition, that evil surmises, rash judgments, precipitate decisions, and all other unjust procedures against our neighbour, flow.” As Clarke points out this has more to do with rash judgment than over all not judging anyone at anytime. We have to remember when looking at scripture that Jesus was addressing a Jewish culture that was wrought with ways of making yourself better than others around you. The object was to say that you may be a sinner, but you are not as bad as the guy next door. John Gill in his commentary on Matthew 7:1 says “This is not to be understood of any sort of judgment; not of judgment in the civil courts of judicature, by proper magistrates, which ought to be made and pass, according to the nature of the case; nor of judgment in the churches of Christ, where offenders are to be called to an account, examined, tried, and dealt with according to the rules of the Gospel; nor of every private judgment, which one man may make upon another, without any detriment to him; but of rash judgment, interpreting men's words and deeds to the worst sense, and censuring them in a very severe manner; even passing sentence on them, with respect to their eternal state and condition” and the Geneva Bible Commentary says “We ought to find fault with one another, but we must beware we do not do it without cause, or to seem holier than others or because of hatred of others”.
So then how is it that we as Christians are to judge? We should judge with the filter of Scripture. Alexander MacLaren once again in his commentary says “The power of seeing into character is to be coveted and cultivated, and the absence of it makes simpletons, not saints. Quite true: but seeing into character is not what Jesus is condemning here.” By judging one another by the filter of scripture we have the ability to discern who real Christians are and those who pretend to be Christians, wolves in sheep’s clothing per se. The JFB commentary has this to say “Provided we eschew this unlovely spirit, we are not only warranted to sit in judgment upon a brother's character and actions, but in the exercise of a necessary discrimination are often constrained to do so for our own guidance.” As Robert Jameison articulates we are to discriminate for our own good. But, I might go a little further and say that in watching, and judging, a brothers actions we show him our love for him. Here would be my example; if you knew that a certain drink would bring potential harm to that person would you not tell them? Or for fear of infringing on their right to drink it would you allow them to drink? That would be foolish! So as a believer why would you allow someone who thinks they are a believer or even a person who isn’t a believer go without letting them know that their belief’s do not align with scripture and what God commands of us. I would rather evangelize a person or “judge” a person and gain them as an eternal brother/sister than allow them to falsely think that they are gaining something they are not.
This is one of the biggest dangers in our post modern society. Without a singular truth people tend to believe that they can gain eternal life any way they please. They can treat God, live their own personal bell hop and call on Him only when they need him. This idea of no true truth also leads society down the road of each person having the ability to forsake what is in scripture and replace it with their own personal beliefs and what they think a “good” god would do and not do. As long as society continues to go the way of a gospel that “tickles their ears” (2 Timothy 4:3) than we as true believers must judge. Not to puff ourselves up, but to correct that which is false.
July 2, 2007
June 21, 2007
Well at this years conference they spoke on the Essentials of Doctrinal Discernment. I can not think of a more appropriate subject for our day in age. In a time when it seems that people are accepting the post-modern mantra of truth being relative, discernment is lacking. On this blog site they have all the sermons for you to listen too. I would strongly encourage you to visit this site and listen to what some of my favorite preachers have to say on discernment. If you don't have time to listen to them all at least listen to one of CJ Mahaney's sermons. He is one of favorite preachers because he sums up humble orthodoxy. He is funny, witty and right on with his theology.
June 20, 2007
My Day at the Dentist
Well this all started out by me having to take off early from work to get to the appointment. (This provokes a question: Why do dentist have the hours 9 to 5? I guess its ok with them if you take a sick day to see them or even worse take a vacation day. If you ask me their hours should be from 6:00am to 10:00am, take a break, and then back for a 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm shift. Works for me, how about you?) So I get there at 1:00 pm for my appointment, sign in and go sit down. Just as I start getting into HGTV the receptionist says “Tom, do you have an appointment today?” I think to myself “you’ve got to be kidding!” So as she is scrambling around to fit me in the thought occurs to me that maybe I should just re-schedule. I bring this up to the receptionist and she insists it’s ok and that they will be able to get me in. I should have insisted on re-scheduling.
A few minutes later I am ushered back to my room. As I sit down the dental assistant apologizes for the chairs’ headrest being broken, but assures me that it shouldn’t affect the work that the dentist needs to do. I should have insisted on re-scheduling! The stinkin’ headrest kept sliding the whole appointment. I guess when she said that it wouldn’t affect my appointment she meant that it wouldn’t affect the dentist monkeying around in my mouth.
After this episode the dental assistant started to prep my mouth for the dentist. She put this rubber thing in my mouth and said that it would help relax my jaw. Relax my jaw?!? You should have seen the size of this thing. If you have roller blades go look at the brake on them, that’s how big this thing was! (no big mouth jokes) Then she puts this paper contraption over and in my mouth. This thing was anchored by rubber bands that fitted around my teeth. Yes, they feel real good. It’s at this time that out of no where my heart rate starts to increase and I feel like I can’t breath. It was unbelievable; I was having a panic attack. I never have panic attacks. I really should have insisted on re-scheduling. Well after talking myself out of the attack, I started to relax some.
It’s at this point that I hear the nurse say “I can’t get it to stop bleeding”. This peaks my curiosity. Since I can’t feel anything, I’m wondering how bad could this be? Well it was bad enough that they had to seal everything back up and tell me that they would have to finish fixing my teeth once the blood vessel they hit healed. So I ask “How long will that be?” To which the dentist replied “one month”. I should have really insisted on re-scheduling. What a way to spend my sick time.
June 18, 2007
As I read Jonathon Edwards Resolutions this morning, his resolution #28 stood out to me. It reads “Resolved, to study the Scriptures so steadily, constantly and frequently, as that I may find, and plainly perceive myself to grow in the knowledge of the same.”
So I leave you with this, are you reading scripture “steadily, constantly and frequently”?
June 14, 2007
What Does Your Child Own?
These days bring many difficulties for Christian parents. In a day when our society teaches us there is no absolute truth and advocates behavior that defies the Christian faith a Christian parent can find themselves at war with the culture and their kids. It is in these days that we as Christian parents constantly and consistently teach our kids the truths of scripture. It is in these days that we must train our kids that they cannot be saved on the basis of anyone else’s faith other than their own.
I see many Christian parents focusing more time on the world than on teaching their child about who our Lord is and about his death and resurrection. All you have to do is watch the news and browse the Internet to see that many parents get more caught up in protesting a political policy than raising a child that can influence the world for Christ. In these kids sights God is a political advocate and not the God that rules over kings and world leaders.
It’s not only the political Christian parents though; it is the average pew sitting Christian that is failing their kids also. As a person who sees many Christian college students every year, I can tell you that they come to college not knowing what their faith stands for. I would venture to say that quite a few students get to college and begin to doubt their salvation because they start learning doctrines they have never been taught before. Many of these students have never had their faith tested and therefore do not “own” their faith.
So what is it to “own” your faith? “Owning” your faith is when you start to take ownership of the doctrines that are key within the Christian faith. It is not just the starting process though; it is the continuation of learning the tenets of the Christian faith. We are called to be like the faithful Bereans ( Acts 17:11) and to search the Word of God. We are to be like the early Hebrews and to be in a constant learning process when it comes to scripture. We should be reading the SHEMA (Duet. 6:4-7) and do like the early Hebrews did. I read the following article by Dr. Ronnie Jeff Johnson and tend to agree with him.
The most important place for Christian education is not a theological seminary. Neither is it a Bible college or Christian school. It is not even Sunday School or other church services. Where is the most important place for Christian education? Basic instruction on Christian Education is found in Deuteronomy 6:4-7. To the Hebrews, this passage was known as the SHEMA, a primary confession of faith. It provides a clue to the most important place for Christian education.
Hear O
The first Hebrew word in verse 4, SHEMA, is "hear" or "listen and obey." These verses were read at the opening of synagogue services. They were to be said two times each day. They were held in such high regard that they were quite literally taken, in that, they were actually worn on the body and written on doorposts of houses and city gates.
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. (5)
The Hebrews understood that personal relationship with God is essential. Christians today understand that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord is essential. The Jews recognized this as one of the most important passages in the Old Testament. Jesus called verse 5 the "greatest and first commandment" (Matthew 22:36-38).
And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart; (6)
"These words" (verse 6) refer back to the Ten Commandments given in Deuteronomy chapter five. The Ten Commandments represent all of the instructions, commands, and promises contained in the Word of God. The Word of God should be in your heart. In the Hebrew understanding of physiology, the heart is the seat of the emotions, mind, and will. Whatever is in your heart, makes you the person that you are.
Therefore, it is important to have the Word of God firmly embedded in your heart. Memorization of the Word is important. Meditation on the Word is more important. Understanding the meaning of the Word to your life is most important of all. For an understanding of what the Word of God means to you will guide your actions, desires, and inner motivations.
You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. (7)
The most important place for Christian Education is not a seminary. The most important place for Christian Education is not a Bible college or Christian school. The most important place for Christian Education is not even in the church or Sunday School. The most important place for Christian Education is the home.
It is a place of diligent instruction. Parents have a responsibility to religiously educate their children. It is a place that uses lifestyle instruction. "Do as I say, not as I do" just won't work. Your children see you when you go to church, study the Bible, and tell them what to do. The also see you when you get up in the morning, drive them to school, watch a video or TV program, and hit your thumb with a hammer. They see what is important to you and they see what you do after church service is over.
You shall bind them for a sign upon your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorpost of your house and on your gates. (8-9)
This is the figurative language that was taken literally later on. The Word of God was written on parchment, placed into leather pouches called phylacteries, and worn on the forehead and on the back of the hand. It was a good idea at first, because every time a person looked at his hands to do something, there was a reminder that the Word of God was to guide their actions. However, like many good ideas, the phylacteries lost their meaning after a time and became like a good luck charm with no deeper meaning.
Do not neglect the meaning of these verses. The Word of God should be upon your hands, influencing everything you do with them. It should also be as "frontlets between your eyes," guarding what you look at and think about.
The Word of God was also written on the doorposts of houses and gates of cities. This served as an announcement to anyone who entered that God was a member of that household. Does everyone who enters your home recognize that it is the most important place for Christian education?
Each and every day I pray that my children would “own” their faith. I pray everyday that my children would never be negatively impacted by my actions or my words. Knowing that I am a sinner raising a sinner I do not act in self righteousness as much as out of a sense of love. I desire to see all three of my kids in heaven and therefore it is important that they know the way.
June 8, 2007
This morning as I read Shaycam’s blog on a job decision he made, I couldn’t help but think of all the people that would sacrifice their own personal beliefs for a job. I applaud Shaycam for his decision because he actually stood for his convictions. In today’s society we have many people, who like our presidential nominees (Giuliani and Edwards in particular), who say that their faith will not get in the way of making decisions. Why have beliefs at all if they are not going to influence your decision making? I believe we have a growing problem with people who call themselves “Christians”. Both of the men I state above call themselves “Christians” and yet vote for abortion, partial birth abortion and stem cell research. How does that jive with the Christian faith? It doesn’t!
This problem is bigger than that though. It is a problem that lies within our pulpits and what is being taught. We see the Episcopal Church with gay priests, we see the
So, how do we go about creating change in a society of pluralism? How do we stand for something as solid as the Word of God when our society tells us that the ground we stand on can only be as firm as Jell-O? Well we start like Shaycam. We stand firm for what we hold as our core beliefs. We are willing to be fired from work because the job goes against those core beliefs. We leave the church that is teaching that homosexuality is acceptable. We do not allow preachers to get away with teaching heresy. We battle for the Truth. Remember this is a war. We use the sword that is the Word of God to strike down the heresies the post-modern church is selling us. At the same time we show the love that Christ showed us. We love those men and women that are caught up in homosexuality and show them that they need to repent and turn from their sin. We need to love unbelievers, knowing that once we were unbelievers and if it wasn’t for the grace of God we would still be wallowing in sin. We battle sin in our churches, we battle the heresies, but we do it in love.
It is my firm belief that by making strong decisions in regards to our faith we impact the people around us. I am confident that Shaycam’s decision impacted the people he worked with. I don’t know what affect it will have on any of them, but at least they know what he stood for. Christianity is not a political system. It is not a political party. It certainly is not a world view that can be turned on and off when we feel like using it so that we can get votes.
Thanks for your example Shaycam!
June 4, 2007
Jonathon Edwards Moment
Whenever I can I try to read through Jonathon Edwards’s resolutions. They are such a good reminder of what I should be doing with my life. As I read through them a few minutes ago this one really stuck with me.
This also stuck with me, because I work in a secular job and have to deal with gossip and people talking ill of others. I wish I could say that I have never talked ill of a co-worker, but I cannot. I am not quite the gossip, but if someone is lazy in the workplace I have problems keeping my mouth shut. The Lord has been very gracious to me in this area too by gently tugging on my heart and reminding me that I am lazy when it comes to my obedience to Him. I know that work ethic should spur others on to work harder and that my actions should be a non-verbal Gospel message.
I pray daily that my actions and words would first, be in alignment with each other and not in contradiction and secondly that my actions would speak louder than my words.
May 29, 2007
My last day on the route, Saturday, was great. A good friend of mine, Mike, came along to take in the glory of the day. We enjoyed going around the route knowing that at that time Sunday I would be sleeping. We talked about the times I would walk into church trying to find a person to sit in front of that I wouldn't want to see me doing "head bobs". Last week it was Dr. Barrick, an elder at our church. We talked about the days of throwing the newspaper that had a Cheerios's promo and all the boxes of Cheerios flew all over peoples driveways. I do believe that sometime this summer one of the people on my route will find a box or two in their garden. We also talked about life without this early morning fellowship time. As much as I am glad that it is over, I will miss it.
First non-paper route post to come soon.
May 25, 2007
Most of all thank you to my family for enduring this time with me. Theirs was a sacrifice too. Their sacrifice was in that our normal routine was turned upside down for 10 months and they rolled right with it. They put up with my mood swings due to sleep deprivation. Thank you Suzi for being my co-pilot for the first couple of months. That was probably the most fun I have had with you in our marriage up to this point in our lives. Thank you to all my other co-pilots too. What fun it was delivering with my favorite stuntman Kevin and delivering with my good friend Mike. Thank you guys for the company and the fellowship I will never forget it. Well if I have the energy I will blog tomorrow about my last day, if not I will try to get it in sometime this weekend.
May 8, 2007
So you may ask what will become of Paperboy Diaries? Well after much debate I decided that I am going to post here every now and then about everything that I enjoy. That would be everything from religion to college football, from theological issues to funny stories I read on the Internet. I hope you enjoy it.
February 19, 2007
So what do I mean when I say, "Do you have a faith worth owning?" What I mean is do you understand what it is that you believe?
So many times as we grow up we pick up beliefs and faiths that are our parents, our pastors or our good friends and we do not test them by the fire of scripture to see if they are true. So, am I telling you not to believe your parents, pastors and friends when it comes to religious beliefs? No, I am not. What I am asking you though is have you tested what you are calling your faith?
For example you may have grown up in a home where your parents, pastor or friends are full blown Calvinists. You are taught that, Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistable Grace and Perserverance of the Saints are the main tenants of our faith as Christians and that this is salvific in nature and that if you don't believe this you aren't saved. (Note: This is only an example and is not the topic of this blog. Maybe we will tackle that one later) Is that true? Is it true only because of who taught it to you? Is it true because the person who taught you was convincing in their argument? Or, is it true because you searched the Word of God and found it to be true?
So now look at what you believe and I do mean all you believe and be like the Bereans (Acts 17:11) and search the scriptures so that you might test it to be true. Have a faith worth owning! Have a faith that is worth defending when asked about it! Have a faith that You Know is true! Don't be afraid to ask questions of those older and more learned than you, but test their words against scripture. I exhort you to have a faith worth owning!
**This post was originally made on the Night Vision Blog
February 16, 2007
Just as a PS to the above note, I am also going to start posting some other blogs here that I write for another blog I am involved in. I hope you enjoy them. Please let me know what you think too.
Peace! Out!
January 10, 2007
It Finally Happened
Well for as long as I have been writing this blog I have been talking about the kamikaze rabbits that are on my route. Well this morning I believe I maimed one. The reason I say I maimed one instead of hitting one is because after I had circled around I did not see him. What happened was, I was driving down this one long stretch of driveway before I get to some condominiums and the stinkin’ rabbit ran under the car. Now this is a dangerous path for me and I have always though that if I was going to hit one it would be in this stretch of my route. Well as he, she, it ….. whatever, went under the car all I heard was, THUD! As I drove away I tried to look in the rear view mirror to see if there were rabbit guts all over the driveway, but it was much to dark to see anything. Now, the condominium complex I deliver to is a loop and I go out this same driveway to get back out to the street, so I figured I would look on my way out. Well on my way out there was no hint that I hit anything. As I drove my route I was trying to figure out what could have happened. I mean when the rabbit went under the car it was a pretty big, THUD!
So here are some explanations, I thought of, for what could have happened:
1) His, her, it’s …..whatever’s friends went out into the street and carried it back into the bushes. While in the bushes the medic rabbit attended to the one wounded in its kamikaze efforts.
2) The rabbit in question hit its head on the under belly of the car and gave itself a serious headache. This could be classified as a concussion, he may want to get it looked at.
3) The rabbit in question, being unsuccessful in its attempt to kamikaze itself into the car, went off into the bushes and committed Hari Kari to save face.
4) Lastly, I believe he was an instrument of the Lord to wake me up. Now normally I would say this jokingly, but this time due to the loud THUD! And the smell of burnt fur, hair, fuzz…..whatever, I stayed awake the rest of the way. Man I hope the smell goes away before Lisa drives the car again.
So, I still haven’t killed a rabbit, but I guess you could say that I used one as a speed bump. With Suzi’s love of animals I do believe I can still sleep in our bed tonight. Besides it was the rabbits fault.
January 3, 2007
A Few New Years Resolutions
This past year has been very interesting for me, especially the past 3-4 months. I would have never thought that I would have made it this long delivering papers at 3:00 am and then working a full shift at my day job. The Lord has greatly blessed me with the strength and stamina to take this challenge on. Along the way I have learned a few things that have inspired me to post the following resolutions. NOTE: These in no way are anything like Jonathon Edwards Resolutions and should not be mistaken for them. Any resemblance is purely coincidental.
1) Resolved – I am not a funny person without Suzi. I don’t know what it is, chalk it up to my ability to not do anything funny on the route or the fact that I am by myself and that I don’t recognize when I am being a knucklehead. So as a resolution I will try to get Suzi back out on the route a few more times. This will be a big challenge.
2) Resolved – I will not take on more than one route. Over the past week I helped out one of my fellow couriers by subbing in on his route. I normally deliver around 300 + papers on my own, but with his I was delivering well over 600 papers in the morning. When I delivered on Sunday I basically was handing his customers the paper. This was due to the fact that after I delivered my route and got into his route, his customers were waking up. So as a resolution I will deliver only my route for the remaining months I have doing this.
3) Resolved – When it comes to delivering papers on holiday’s such as the day after Thanksgiving and New Years I will paint my car black and white and see if I can get a red flashing light and siren. I figure the only way I am not going to get killed on those days would be to pose as a cop. Hey I have an even better idea, maybe Pecadillo will let me barrow his squad car one morning to deliver papers. Man that would be better than delivering the paper in my mother-in-laws convertible Lexus. So as a resolution I will avoid psycho women on their way to sales at insane hours in the morning and I will avoid drunks, who insist that haven’t drank anything while holding a bottle of some alcoholic beverage in their hand.
4) Resolved – To stay warm. Now if you live outside of So.
5) Resolved – Lastly, I pray that I would write at least once a week on this blog. This one we’ll have to see. This could become more challenging as I become more tired. So here’s to hoping.
I hope and pray that all of you out there in the blog-o-sphere will have a good year in 2007. I pray that through my pain and sleep deprivation I would bring a little humor into your life.