July 2, 2007

An Edwards Moment

Edwards resolution #17 states "Resolved, that I will live so, as I shall wish I had done when I come to die".

Boy, every time I read this it convicts me about how I live my life. Do I live my life as if each day was my last? Do I treat each day as if I am not going to have another chance to show the people around me the love of Christ? Do I spend each day with my family like it will be the last time I will shepherd them in the way God commands me to?

This one resolution makes me take inventory of my life. It makes me take inventory of each day. At the end of each day as I dose into the abyss of night time sleep, I take count of each moment I had. I take count of each person I encountered that day and try to think of how I treated them. Did I display Christ-likeness through my actions? Was the way I acted before them enough to sow the seeds of salvation? As I lay there in bed it gives me time to pray for the events of that day and that in the next day my words and actions would display my faith. It gives me time to contemplate if I lived as if this was my last here on earth.

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