October 30, 2006

Water Cooler Talk

The past few mornings have been quite funny at the warehouse. I have been able to hear some funny stories about the couriers and the things they do.Here are a few of them:

The first
is about one of the current couriers and his quest for the perfect donut. Apparently one morning after he was done delivering his papers he had a hankering for a donut and wasn't familiar enough with the area he was in to know where a donut shop was. So, as he was driving home he saw a few police cars huddled together in a grocery market parking lot. He figured that if anyone was going to know where a good donut shop was they would. Well as the story goes he drove into the parking lot and drove up to the police officers, know remember it's around 3:00 am when he's doing this, and asked them where he could find a good donut shop that would be open at that time in the morning. Well this is where it get's pretty funny, and by the way I really felt for the guy because he was truly just looking for a good donut shop, the police officers came on over to his car and start questioning him about what he was doing up that early in the morning, how he got a couple of the dents in his car and finally they asked him if he had been drinking. He kept trying to tell them that he was really just looking for a donut shop and I guess this only aggrevated teh officers because he wasn't answering their questions. Well after getting the third degree he left still not knowing where a donut shop was. Poor guy!

The second story is about a guy that used to drive his route in a r
aised 4x4 pick up truck. You know the type, they're 9 feet in the air and the tires are as tall as you. The guys talking about this said he was spending almost half his check in gas, but that didn't stop him. Well one day he was doing his route with his five year old daughter when he hit a parked car. Well if you drive a car and you hit a car you know the point of contact, right? Even if you drive a regular truck you would know when you hit another vehicle, right? Well when you drive a raised 4x4 this is the way it goes. He hit the car as he was going backwards to turn down a street he had missed. He hits the car and then continues to go up it until he realized that his truck was all the way up on the cars roof. Now I was thinking this guy must either be deaf, because you think he would have heard the crunch of the car he ran over, or he was so into talking to his daughter that he clued out. Well when he realized what he had done and came off the car, the car he ran over looked like something out of a monster truck show. Well needless to say he lost his job and had to pay what the insurance wouldn't cover to fix the car. Ironically his wife was the one that had to fire him.

Well these provided lessons for me and here is what I learned. I learned that no matter how hungary I am do not ask the police for their favorite early morning breakfast stops, this may cause a delay in you getting home and you will still be hungary when you get home. I also learned that you pay attention when you are driving so that you don't squash someone's car. Now with that said if Lisa's Honda Accord (the vehicle our room mate let's us use one the paper route) squashes another car, that car would have to be a Tonka or Hot Wheels car. I am so glad for those who go ahead of me so that I don't have to be the object of the lesson.

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