October 16, 2006

Throwing Papers with Louis Armstrong

On Sunday while delivering the papers with my wife, the radio played “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong. I told Suzi that the last time that song came on I had this vision of myself throwing the papers to the lyrics of that song. At this point I must warn you we are going to a scary place, we are going inside of my head so that you can see the vision that came to me as I heard this song.

As Louis sang, “I see trees of green, red roses too, I see them bloom for me and you, And I think to myself what a wonderful world.” I was like delivering papers in Alaska or something because it was night time but the sun was out (I told you it was scary in here). Now this was like the perfect day too, because the birds were out chirping and then the next part of the song came, “I see skies of blue and clouds of white, The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night, And I think to myself what a wonderful world.” Now at this point it was like some corny 1940’s cartoon. As I’m throwing the papers, perfectly I might add, I’m looking at the clouds and just smiling. In retrospect I’m surprised the car isn’t driving itself and as I throw the paper with my right hand I put my left hand out so that one of those chirping birds can land on it. So now I come to the third stanza, “The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky, Are also on the faces of people going by, I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do, They're really saying I love you.” This is where my vision gets really weird because as I am throwing the newspaper I am shaking hands with my customers. Don’t ask me why at the same time I am shaking their hands I am throwing the paper because I don’t know. Personally if someone shook my hand and then proceeded to throw my paper instead of hand it to me I wouldn’t have a smile on my face. That’s another reason this is scary and now don’t forget they are shaking my hand and I’m throwing the paper and driving the car. So as we come to the final stanza “I hear babies crying, I watch them grow, They'll learn much more than I'll never know, And I think to myself what a wonderful world, Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.” At this point I am no longer in that corny cartoon, I’m in a musical. There are people dancing in the streets and throwing newspapers, and amazingly enough all the papers land exactly where they are supposed to. It was like some type of synchronized newspaper dance number. The only think missing was Fred Astaire and Danny Thomas. At this point the song ends and my vision fades to the reality that its pitch dark and I am still dodging bunnies. Well after that scary venture into my head I hope you understand why I believe my wife is the greatest and most understanding wife in the world.


Anonymous said...

ha oh dear me padre

Shay and Bethany said...

Tom, it always a joy for us to read your blog. It makes us smile everytime. We hope we'll have the same marriage that you have! Sounds like you, your family, and others are really starting to enjoy those early mornings.

We are amazed at your discipline and endurance during this crazy time. Keep up the good work! Oh and one more thing.... Suzi.. watch out for Tom's head!