October 23, 2006

Oh, Ooooo…The Radio, Oh, Ooooo…

This morning on the route I was experimenting with the radio to see if I could get in any music station that didn’t have a lot of commercials. Boy was this and experience! Normally I listen to CD’s or I‘ll listen to sports talk radio. Well I am beginning to get tired of sports talk radio due to the suggestive nature of the banter in between the sports updates. So, the first station I tried was the Christian station for Los Angeles and they had an infomercial. I came in on the middle of a conversation between two guys and this triple action liquid. A few minutes later, Libby from Tulsa called in and with her Okie accent she said, “I have had back pain and joint pains all my life. Can this help me?” One of the guys answered her with, “you mean to tell me I didn’t mention it’s ability to help with your back pain and with joint pain.” About this time I was screaming at the radio, “No Libby don’t do it! Don’t buy it!” After a few minutes of that realized there is a reason it’s on at 3:00 am and there is a reason that Libby from Tulsa is calling in. That reason would be summarized in PT Barnum’s quote, “A suckers born every minute”. Well after listening to that show I convinced that at 3:00 am two to three are born every minute and the mostly originate in the midwest and south. So after that display of a lack of discernment on my part I changed to another station where a gentleman was counseling another man about how divorce is not the answer. I found this interesting due to the fact that this was a secular station I was listening to. The host of the show told the man on the other side of the phone that he was asking the wrong question when it came to how do I go about getting a divorce and what are the grounds for divorce. The host to my amazement told this guy on the phone that the right question was, “did I give this marriage my all?” to which the man on the phone asked, “Do you think it’s wrong for me to beat my wife every now and then?” (I only wish I could make this stuff up). The host was greatly angered by this and then in a show of uncontrolled anger he proceeded to rail on this guy. My response you might ask, change the station. The next station was going to commercial and traffic update. Now my wheels started turning. What in the Wide World of Sports? Traffic!?!? At 3:15 am!?!? You’ve got to be kidding me! Well the traffic guy came on and said to my utter amazement, “thanks Larry, I’m over the 405 and it’s clear sailing all the way into Century City and I understand that the 5 is clear also.” “Wow”, I though to myself. No traffic at 3:15 am, I am sooooo surprised. NOT! So after hearing this I chose to do what any other rational person would do……… I put a CD in and finished my route. Well so much for the radio, but wait a minute maybe I can talk Suzi into XM radio. I’m sure she would agree that we need to pay $19.99 a month to get good music commercial free, especially when it’s for the paper route that I have for the purpose of paying off my debt. That seems rational to me. Think she’ll buy it? Me neither.

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