October 3, 2006

Like Father Like Son, Part Duex

This morning was another great joy for me. I was able to take my youngest son on the paper rout with me. The past two days have been a lot of fun. It’s not many fathers’ that get to spend time with their sons at 3:00 am. I know, I know many of you can think of better times to meet with your kids, but as for me 3:00 am works. Plus there is the added bonus of the kids finding this experience as something unique. They were actually excited about getting up at 3:00 am. Well on with today’s follies. So, we start out with the line of the day. Coby told me before we started that he was only going so that he could see the bunny rabbits and the coyotes. He also thought it would be cool if we saw a coyote chasing a rabbit and catching it. Man I hope his mom doesn’t find out about this, she’ll freak! Now, being as I was with my youngest I thought I would take it easy on him at first by letting him only throw to the houses that had no cars in the driveway or the townhomes that had garage doors 2’ away from the car window. Well this proved to be a little bit on the difficult side, because every time I would throw to the other houses out his window I would thump Coby on his head. Now if I’m Coby I’m thinking to myself, “My dad gets me up at 3:00 am so that he can thump me on the head?” So I let him throw to a few more houses. Now this is where he starts throwing the paper in the bushes and on the grass and starts laughing because we have to stop and I have to go get the paper and throw it in the driveway. At least this only lasted for a while until he got the hang of throwing the paper. Once Coby got the hang of it, he would throw the paper and then watch it until it hit the ground. Now to most of you layman you might think what’s the big deal? Right? Well here’s the big deal, by the time that paper came out of the stratosphere and hits the ground I’m stopped at the next house waiting for him to throw the next paper. Now this goes on for the rest of the morning. I was laughing to myself because with every throw came his own personal critique of the throw. “Oh man!”, “Wow! Dad did you see that one?”, “Look at how far that one went!” and my favorite “At least I haven’t put it on top of a car like Caleb!” Well that last one was very true, but Coby did something Caleb didn’t do and that was put the newspaper in the bed of a pick up truck. Yes Coby threw his newspaper and Bam! in the back of a pick up truck. My first thought was to go get the paper, so I started to climb into the truck. As I did this I started to think of the car alarm going off and me standing in the bed of this truck. My imagination took me to police cars showing up and me trying to explain what I was doing in the back of the truck. This is the way I pictured the conversation going. “But officer I was just getting the newspaper out of the bed of the truck” and the officer would say, “and how did the paper get in the back of the truck?” and I would say, “my son threw it in” and the officer would say, “You mean the young man in the passenger seat of your car? What kind of father gets his child up at 3:00 am to deliver newspapers?” After all that I could see myself calling Suzi at 5:00 am to ask her if she could come get me out of jail. Boy wouldn’t that be fun? So I just gave them an additional paper and left the one in the bed right there. Someday the owner of that truck will find it and wonder what in the wide world of sports happened. Overall what a joyous time with my boys, next up Corrine during her Christmas break. If you thought the boys were funny wait until Corrine goes.

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