March 13, 2008

Would you sell all you have for.......

Earlier this week I read an article about a couple who sold all their stuff to bicycle around the world. Below is a piece of this article to give you a taste of what this couple did:

In 2002, at the ages of 62 and 48, Pat and Catherine Patterson decided to leave it all behind. They sold their real estate business and their cars, gave their furniture to their children, and put their home up for rent. Strapping their remaining possessions to two bicycles, the couple set off to bike around the world.

Fifty-seven countries, four continents and almost four years later, the Pattersons look back on their journey as something no less than life-changing.

In 1985, Pat Patterson got his first taste of freedom behind the handlebars of a bicycle when he went on a short tour through China. The trip changed his perspective. "I was beginning to see things differently," he says.

As I read this article I couldn't help but think of the rich young ruler in Mark 10:17-30. In this parable the young man seeks Jesus out, in fact he text says the you man ran to him giving this a sense of urgency, so that he could ask Jesus how he could receive eternal life. After Jesus questions the young man a bit about his lifestyle He goes to the heart of the young man's sin......his possessions. Jesus asked the young man to do what the couple above did, sell all his possessions, and the young man ran off because he loved his possessions more than he loved Christ.

So why bring up this comparison? Well I just find it odd that in this day and age someone would actually sell off all that they have. Our society, our culture bases it's status on your possessions. Now this couple gave up all they owned so that they could merely bicycle around the world, would they have done the same thing if Christ would have asked them too? Now I do not know this couple, nor do I know if they are saved I am merely stressing the point that it's a rarity when someone sells off all they own.

Christian the question I pose to you is what are you holding on to? Is it a house, a car, money? What in your life blurs your focus or better yet obstructs your focus on Christ? The couple above sold all they own for earthly pleasure, what are you selling off for an eternal treasure?

A couple of things I want to note from the article above, the trip was life changing and it caused them to see things differently. Isn't that what the transforming Word of God does to those who sell all their worldly possessions and follow Him? Our lives are changed in the fact that we do not seek what our culture is selling. We do not need the fancy car, the large house in the right part of town and we do not need to look like everyone else to gain cultural acceptance. As my kids always say, "It's all going to burn". If we sell off all we own, if we live like we are not of this world then our lives will be changed. We will live a much more rich life, one that is filled with pleasing God and loving Him solely.

Christian once again, what obstructs your vision of Christ? Sell all and follow Him.

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