March 19, 2008

Starbucks, The Final Four and Church

You know it's funny whenever I see an article about Starbucks I think of two things, my wife and Shaycam. I think of my wife because she is a coffee-a-holic and swears by Starbucks. Now she is what I would call a....well....yeah, a coffee addict. Me on the other hand I am a coffee snob and I like Peets. For me if it's not a good cup of Joe then it doesn't get the pleasure of going through, over and around my taste buds. I think of Shaycam because he used to work there and is a Starbucks fan. If you give Shaycam 5 minutes he will tell you the wonderful benefits of Starbucks in the world. Well I read this article today and all I could think of is how this would get high approval ratings from Shaycam.

Starbucks is trying to get back to the way they did business a while back. They spoke of not using flavor bags of pre-ground coffee and grinding the beans that day in the stores. Now I'm sorry but flavor bags is to close to flavor crystals for me so I'm glad they are getting back to grinding beans. The article also spoke of a possible energy drink, well I am a Red Bull fan myself so we'll have to see how that goes. I am glad though that they are getting back to their original business plan, because Starbucks was the place that got me on this coffee kick in the first place.

Now onto more important things. Tomorrow starts March Madness. I have to admit that this is my favorite time of the year. I just can't get enough of excitement that comes with a mid-major college playing a major college and the possible upsets. College basketball is what is good in the world. Shaycam and my wife would say that it's Starbucks, but not me. A cup of coffee only lasts but a moment, but a great basketball game....well.....the memory lasts a lifetime. I mean I can tell you where I was when UCLA won it's last National Title. I can tell you what I was doing when Chris Weber called a timeout that he didn't have. At one time I would have said that I was an addict, but now I would say that I am an avid follower. An article I read said that the workplace will lose approximately $1.7 billion because their employees will trade work in for watching and listening to the games.

This brings me to the church. There are many in the church that desire a good cup of coffee more than the solid teaching of God's Word. There are many within the church that pay more attention to basketball brackets than what their pastor teaches from the pulpit. Why is this? Obviously Paul was right when he said to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:3 that "but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,". All generations of the church have had there group of people that have been like this, but in our current culture this seems to be growing. Our church today seems to be more interested in the superficial than in the eternal. Just a couple of months ago I had a friend leave our church because he didn't like our worship music. He took his family to a good church that played the music he desired at worship. The teaching at his current church is not solid, but just OK and he is OK with that because the music played at worship is to his liking. Is this really where we are headed? We desire entertainment over solid teaching? Beware Christian of what you desire. Stay focused on Christ and Christ alone. Stay focused on being Christ like in your walk and in what scripture teaches us. Do not allow your ears to be tickled dear Christian.


Anonymous said...

Oh the bliss...

Denise said...

I think that most sermons are only puddle deep. People don't want to hear about justification, the atonement, sanctification, etc. Leave doctrine to the elders, just give me something where I put in my time, say hello to friends, then go home. Shepherding? Not on your life!

But I think music is to be part of the worship of God and actually reflects doctrine also...or a lack of doctrine. Most "worship" music is the typical 7/11 junk which is really nothing more than cutesie phrases repeated 11 times--revealing theology that is deep as a puddle after a brief sprinkle of rain--it ain't much.

Music should lend itself to proclaming biblical truth, deep truth, uplifting Christ, not me. I am the type of person who thinks of every word being sung in each song I sing during worship and frankly, there are some I just have to stop and not join in. The words of some of these "worship songs" would be labeled "ear-tickling" if a pastor was proclaiming them from the pulpit, so why are they tolerated in "worship" music?

Something I think we should all think about, don't you?

Music reveals our doctrine.

Tom Pilarski said...


Once again thank you for your comment. I believe that when we get to talking about our worship music we start to hit people’s hot buttons. It’s almost like contemporary worship music trumps traditional hymns. Personally I like both as long as, like you pointed out, they are solid songs. I do think that, unfortunately, a lot of churches that are not solid focus on a style of worship that would rival most concerts these days. Is that so that the dumbing down of scripture will be ignored?

In answer to your question, I do think that if a pastor is proclaiming the Word from the pulpit then “bubble gum pop” worship music would be far from that church. Although I do know some worship leaders that do a good job and they complement there pastors well. If you get a chance I would recommend you going over to the Sovereign Grace web site to hear some great worship music that complements the preaching styles of CJ Mahaney and Josh Harris well.

As to your final statement I do believe that a solid Worship Pastor will not allow a dumbed down Gospel to be sung just like a solid Pastor will not allow a dumbed down Gospel to be preached.
