July 30, 2009

Verse and a Quote

Verse: “Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, But the night shines as the day; The darkness and the light are both alike to You.” (Ps.139:12)

Quote: A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell. C.S. Lewis

As I saw this verse this morning I couldn't help but think of my life prior to salvation. I felt like I could hide from God. I felt like if I pretended He didn't exist then that made it true. I look back at that time in my life and I almost have to laugh at my ignorance to who God is. I tried to run, I tried to hide and I even tried to use logic to rationalize the fact that He wasn't there, but it didn't work. 

This verse is a scary, but comforting verse at the same time. For the person who is living in sin this quite a frightening thought. To know that God is so big and so great that He can see you in the dark. The amazing thing is that it's not just the physical darkness God sees like day, but he sees the dark recesses of our minds like it was shown with light. God knows our every thought, he knows our every action prior to us acting it out and He knows exactly who we are going to be. The scary part of this verse is that in our sin God sees us. In our sin God knows us. The comforting part in all of this is that even in spite of knowing our sin and in spite of knowing our thoughts and actions defy His holiness, He wants us to draw near to Him. Our comfort comes from the fact that the cross makes us clean in the sight of a Holy God. 

I really like this quote from C.S. Lewis because in many ways it was me prior to salvation. I know that in many ways this me as a believer now when I am caught up in sin. We do think that if we just pretend He is not there then everything will be better. We tend to think that if just don't recognize the holiness of God then He must not be holy. The fact of the matter is God is Holy no matter what we think. God is sovereign no matter what we think and God is God no matter what we think.

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