July 24, 2009

Verse and a Quote Day 2

Verse: I will return again to my place, until they acknowledge their guilt and seek my face, and in their distress earnestly seek me.(Hosea 5:15)

Quote: “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” Augustine

 This morning as I read this verse I couldn't help but think about how far we can get away from God and yet He waits for us to come back to Him. I look at my daily decisions and constantly ask, "was God in that decision?" I look at the things I say and do and ask, "was God glorified in that or was I magnified?" This verse states that God is waiting until Israel acknowledges their guilt before Him. This is the same for us. Much like Israel, a covenant people, believers, also a covenant people, need to acknowledge their guilt before a Holy God and seek His face. 

I know that when I am in trouble it is hard to seek God and to seek His will in that situation. I know that when trials that don't seem to fit our plans or that don't seem fair come our way, it is hard to go to the throne of Grace. Even though it is hard we must do just that, take it all to God. We must ask God to forgive us of our transgressions and to help us endure and grow in the trail He has put before us. We must not look for the easy exit because it is hard. We must seek God's face.

Today, is their unforgiven sin your life? Do you need to seek God and ask for His forgiveness? Are you in a trial that is causing you to question God? How often are you seeking His face?

I pray that you would seek His face and rest in His Grace.


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