April 7, 2008

University Truth X Change

You know I am always amazed at who and what the Lord brings my way. Because of where our church is situated, next to The Master's College and down the freeway from The Master's Seminary, I get the pleasure of meeting some of the leading men in Bible translation, Apologetics and other realms of Christian academia. Two weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting Jay Wetger, Theology and Worldview professor at The Master's College. I had Jay come and talk to our college students about a seminar he is doing with Dr. Peter Jones on teaching secular school college students how to evangelize in our post modern culture. I believe this to be a great opportunity for our college students to look beyond the old approach to evangelization and to be trained up in the new warfare of post modernity. As I spoke to Jay yesterday I was reminded that we are at war with an enemy that will stop at nothing, not to win us over to his side mind you, but to just neutralize us. The enemy would have us arguing amongst ourselves about contextualization and not finding ways to take the battle to the culture. 

Ephesians 6:11 "Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil."

Romans 13:12 "The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light."

We as believers need to realize that the battle has changed and much like today as we fight abroad with bullet proof vests and more powerful weaponry,not knives and clubs as we once did, the way we fight the battle must change also. We are no longer in the modern era where academia triumphs. In the post modern era ambiguity and the fact that we all believe in a "type" of Christ works triumphs our battle plan must change. We must look into developing relationships with people and investing time with them. This is not to say that we stop spontaneous cold evangelization, but that we explore other ways to take the True Gospel to our culture.

With hat if you are able to get to The Master's College on April 18 and 19th I would strongly encourage you to attend the University Truth X Change's conference on "Walking in the Land of Blur".

By the way this conference is going on all over the United States so if any of you are interested in this conference please let me know and I will look into the other locations for this conference.

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