April 24, 2008

Kids That Live.......Gospel

The past few days I have been working on final lesson for our college group this school year. You see our college group is primarily students that live in other places then my beloved SCV. Now it's not like we shut our group down for the summer or anything like that, but come May 11th our college group will decrease by 80% and takes on a totally different dynamic. While studying I couldn't help but think about raising the next generation to live like the Gospel matters.

So how do we as Christian parents do that? Well the best way in my mind is to train them in the understanding of Scripture, not just memorization. Take a look at the Westminster Catechism for Children. I believe this to be a great way to help your children to understand the theology that comes with an understanding of scripture. Let's take a look at a few.

The first is "Who made you?" Teaching the understanding of this one principal this day in age is a great state. In a society that questions who made who to teach your kids that an all knowing creator God created them is a monumental start.

The second is "What else did God make?" After your child understands that he/she did not just come from some ooze and that they have an almighty God that created them, they can learn that He also made everything else. Boy I don't think Oprah will go there. We must instill in our children that their God, the one that wants to have a personal relationship with them created everything.

The third is "Why did God make all things?" Goodness, doesn't this piece of theology fly in the face of our culture? When we teach our children that God created all things for His glory and not our own personal fame and glory we raise a generation that is humbled by the awesomeness of our God. This one question also brings us back to raising children that live like the gospel matters in their lives. If we raise our kids to understand that they are here on earth at this point in time to glorify God then we see kids that understand that life is not about them.

I could go on and on with this. Questions like "Can God do all things?", "Where do you learn how to love and obey God?" and "Can any one be saved through the covenant of works?" Parents have you ever looked at the Westminster Catechism as a part of your understanding of what we believe? If you have never read this you should take some time and go over it. What a way to understand what we believe.

I pray that we would all raise children that live like the Gospel matters.

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