February 2, 2008

The Way We Roll

Today in Santa Clarita it was a frigid 50°. I know if you live in the mid-west or the east coast this may not seem very cold, but here where we wear shorts in February it's frigid. Both of my sons were out of the house so I was stuck……uh……I mean blessed by being with my daughter and my wife for the day. So in honor of this they both conspire……uh……I mean invite me to drive them to the beach today. Now I am already in long sleeves and am longing to be warm when they ask me this, so to say that I was not exactly thrilled with this idea would be an understatement.

If you look at the attached picture you will notice that it was great tanning weather at the beach. Now in my best Mr. Blackburn(fashion guru)voice I will tell you how the girls were dressed. Suzi had a wonderful beach ensemble. She was wearing a pair of jeans with a long sleeve shirt, a short sleeve shirt over that and a sweatshirt over that. She accessorized this wonderful ensemble with a pair of gloves and a scarf. I do believe she was wearing her wool underwear too. I think she did get some good color in her checks though……oh, wait a minute that red color is from being cold. Now Corrine that was another story. At least she wore her bathing suit, it was just how she accessorized that bathing suit. Now I am a father that believes in modesty, but this bordered on the ridiculous. She also wore a wonderful pair of jeans, but wore two……yes two sweatshirts. Since both of them wore tennis shoes and I believe wool socks, they actually complained when they got wet. Can you believe that? As for me I dressed weather appropriate with flip-flops. Come on this is Cali you have to wear flip-flops.

So needless to say we had a brisk, some what blustery day at the beach, but overall it was good. After all as Corrine so brilliantly pointed out no one was at the beach………imagine that. So if you are in Chicago where it is 5° just remember here in Cali the beach even when it is cold is the way we roll.

P.S. This is how my in-laws roll.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tom it's always nice to be appreciated and acknowledged for those special moments.

One of the in-laws