June 17, 2008

What if God Twittered?

Well I'm back from my techno fast (not fast like speed, but fast like to go without). Every now and then I go without stuff just to regain focus on what is important to me. Mainly to re-dedicate myself to my study of Gods Word, to re-dedicate myself to being a husband and father and most importantly re-dedicating myself to the Lord. So anyways while on my techno fast I though up the following blog entry and a few others I will be writing over the next few days and weeks.

I guess it's been a month now since I read an article about an American student who was arrested in Egypt along with his translator. The American student almost immediately started Twittering about what was going on. He was eventually released, but what is amazing is that all his friends whether in America or abroad were instantly updated to what was going on with their friend. Then a few weeks ago I saw that the same student was using Twitter to get his translator released. Once again this student was utilizing the power of the internet and this bulletin board of sorts to get information in the hands of his friends and loved ones.

So this got me thinking, what if God were to utilize Twitter to tell us what He was doing? or better yet what if He were to tell us what we need know when we need to know it. For instance one of His Twitters could be "Sitting here watching my creation live life without me" or "@Paperboy, Dude you need to treat your wife better". Wouldn't that be awesome?

Another thought was what if God had His own blog? He could blog about the things He does everyday. He could blog about what He sees day in and day out as He watches His creation. Talk about bringing people to Himself and letting people know about His grace. God could blog about Jesus and the sacrifice He made on the cross. He could blog about the necessity of the cross and about how there is only one way to heaven and it is through his Son. How awesome would that be?

Well if we take a what we know of God we will see that He actually was ahead of the times and already has His own "twitter" account and blog. Here is what I mean. When we pray God in essence Twitters us. Instead of posting What He is doing or what He requires of us on the internet, He lays it on our hearts when we humble ourselves before His thrown. God twitters us everyday if we allow him to. When we pray we allow ourselves to see and hear God's twitters. So do you hear God's Twitters?

As to the God's blog, we have scripture. God has written all about Himself in the Bible. God has blogged through the pens of men in the canon of scripture. God has told us who He is and all about what He has done. He has shown us what is required to be one of His own and He has told us why He required the blood of Christ for our sins. We see His love for man and at the same time we see His righteous judgement displayed. So do you read God's blog? It is the oldest blog known to man.

So my question to you is, do you humble yourself before the throne of God? Do you read scripture?

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