July 4, 2008

What is "Above Reproach"?

I am ashamed to admit that I am a fan of Sports talk radio. As a believer this can be quite difficult due to the fact that sports radio tends to be like the sports section of the newspaper, a Hooters advertisement on steroids. If you happen to be like me then you have been listening to all the talk about Alex Rodriguez and his divorce. They have been talking about did he or did he not have an affair with Madonna, did he or did he not have an affair with another girl earlier this year. They have been talking about whether or not it was right for the media to report on these things. They talk about an era in sports reporting where when athletes were cheating on their wives the media would look the other way. It's interesting, but none of the shows I have listened to has stated teh obvious, be above reproach.

"Encourage younger men likewise to be self-controlled, yourself to be an example of good works in every way. In your teaching show integrity, dignity, a sound message that cannot be criticized, so that any opponent will be at a loss, because he has nothing evil to say about us." Titus 2:6-8

As I listened to all these sports guys talk about this situation all I could think about is that as Christians we are called to be above reproach. That is we are called to be in a position, like the verse above states, that will not give anyone the opportunity to speak evil about us. If we live our lives so that no one could even intimate that we are cheating on our wives, so that no one could say that we are liars, cheaters or thieves. As believers we must live a life that is holy. The word holy in the original language means to be separated from and that is what we are to be. If you are a believer do you hang out with people that curse the Gospel? Do you watch movies that you shouldn't? What about the television shows you watch or the music you listen to? How do you act at work? Is it different then when you are a t home or at church?

There are a lot of believers out there that are that are riding the fence. If we as believers chose to look like the world then we are doing anything, but remaining above reproach. In our culture today Christianity has become a religious word. It really can mean everything and anything, even one who does not believe in the true Christ. Believer the challenge for you today is to live a life that truly defines the word Christian. You are called to live a holy and righteous life. You are called to be above reproach. Believer if the media were to follow you around as much as they follow the celebrities of our culture would they be able to bring a case against you showing that you have acted contrary to the Gospel? Examine your life and chose not to be an Alex Rodriguez. Chose to be holy and above reproach.